
Kraving Dravka is OUT NOW!

Yay, it's Kraving Dravka's release day! 🙂 It was so much fun returning to this series, considering Prince of Firestones released over two years ago!  I've sorely neglected the Krave of Everton but now that Warriors of Luxiria wrapped up last year, I have some more...

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New covers and update on Kraving Dravka

Happy 2021, all! Like so many, I'm happy to put 2020 behind me and I hope everyone's new year is off to a great start. First off, I'm super excited to show off these new covers that Aria at Resplendent Media made for The Krave of Everton series.  Ever since I started...

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Madness of the Horde King is OUT NOW!

RELEASE DAY! MADNESS OF THE HORDE KING is live on Amazon! Get your copy here: ......... Blurb: They call him the Mad Horde King for a reason. Now, she’s his… Over a year ago, I was ripped away from my human village to serve the...

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Updates, Horde Kings teaser, paperbacks?!

Folks, you know I'm bad about updates on social media, so I'm trying something new--my website, which I've seriously neglected up until now. But no longer!  I've updated it, got a new logo (woot woot), got all my books listed (finally), and I even have a shiny new...

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