Allari: dawn
Alukkiri: Vorakkar’s ‘piki’ for the cold season
Arrakari: Queen to the outpost

Bak: begin
Begalia: type of root
Benu: type of tree
Benuva: sweet sap from a benu tree

Bikku: cooks for the horde

Cossa: child

Dakke: pleasure bump on Dakkari males

Darukkar: horde warrior

Deva: balls

Deviri: bride offering

Dothik: capitol of Dakkar

Dothikkar: king of Dakkar

Draki: faster

Duvna: scavaging creature in Dothik

Enuwip: plant that prevents clotting

Felliki: fragrance for soaps

Ghertun: alien race also inhabiting Dakkar

Hakin: rare flower from the north

Hanniva: please

Hebrikki: type of game

Hitri: mountain range towards the north

Hji: type of fruit

Honira: disinfectant

Irruna: trees in the eastlands, all gangly limbs and rough, bleeding bark

Jenuria: type of root

Jiria: come

Jrikkia: wolf-life animal who hunt in packs

Jurak: there

Kairill: title for male acquaintance, but not yet a friend

Kakkira vor: thank you

Kakkiva: cock

Kalles: female

Kalliri: Priestess

Kallo: term of respect for horde member

Kalloma: hybrid word of ‘priestess’ and ‘mother’

Kana: plant used for birth control

Kasba: type of root, supports fertility

Kassi: mate

Kassikari: “old tradition” mate

Kassim: protect

Kassiri: love

Kenuv: plant in the west

Kerisa: healer

Kioni: like acorns, drops from trees during harvest, used in medicine

Kirriata: temple

Kivale: term of respect for family

Kreki: creature that produced ‘ink’

Kuveri: type of berry

Lakkari: Queen of Dakkar

Leika: beautiful

Leikavi: small, beautiful one

Leiso: wheat type crop

Lirilla: title for female acquaintance, but not yet a friend

Livri: slow

Lobbas: type of root

Lomma: mother

Luria: flower in the west

Lysi: yes

Maeva: warm winds that bring summer

Melir: female genitals

Mikira’ta: devastated

Missiki: mistress (position of power)

Mitri: weapons master

Mokkira: master healer

Morakkari: Queen

Mrikro: pyroki master

Neffar?: What?

Nekkisau: rabbit-like creatures

Nevretam: term of respect

Nik: no

Niva Kallira: Second Priestess

Okkai: stay

Orala sa’kilan: frozen haven

Pattar: father

Pevkell: enough

Piki: helpers of the queen

Polkunu: massive, taloned creature from the east

Pova: type of root, meant for pain potions

Prikri: Dothikkar’s lead advisor in Dothik

Privixi: deer-like creature

Pujerak: second-in-command

Pyroki: black-scaled beasts the Dakkari ride

Pyroth: stand down/cease/stop

Rikcrun: creature living in burrows in the ground, in the eastern lands

Rivalla lo’kilan: ancient term for priestesses or heartstones

Rothi kiv: leave us

Ruhna: apprentice

Rukkar: prince of the horde

Rukkari: princess of the horde

Runiri: tall stalks of grass in the southlands

Saila: feminine form of “darling”

Sailon: masculine form of “darling”

Sarkia: witch

Sarl: the Killup’s word for jrikkia

Saruk: outpost/clan

Sa’kilan: haven, but also ‘heart of the sacred temple’

Sebrissa: Ghertun word for ‘attack’ or ‘charge’

Seffi: little bloom from the okkara trees, ancient trees

Seta Kalliri: High Priestess

Setava: first

Setava Terun: The First Elder

Setovan: stubborn male

Sika: sister

Soliki: home in a saruk

Sorakkar: leader of an outpost

Srikkisan: tomorrow

Tassimara: joining celebration

Teffar: again

Terruni: type of plant for pain potion

Teru Gulch: place where material is mined, stone and metals

Terun: elder

Thesper: winged creature used for sending messages over long distances

Thissie: bird-like creature

Trikki: place of waterfalls

Ukki: leaf

Ulloi: creature that spins silk

Ungira: hunted game, massive, worm-like creatures that burrow into the ground

Uudun: green healing salve

Veekor: sleep

Vekkiri: human(s)

Vir drak!: We ride!

Vok: fuck

Voliki: domed tent/homes of the horde

Vorak: horde

Vorakkar: Horde King

Vovic: Ghertun-produced poison

Wrissan: type of game, lives in herds


Bnuru tei kissari: Give me the whip.

Bnuru tei lilji rini, kalles: Give me your lips, female.

Bnuru tei lilji rini: Give me your lips.

Darukkars, venuri ji vorak: Protect the horde

Delni unru drikkan kussun bak: Let the feast begin.

Juniri ta voliki: Return to the tent.

Kirtva njeti Morakkari: Behold your queen.

Kor anir ji vorak: The way of the horde.

Lik Kakkari srimea tei kirtja: May Kakkari watch over you.

Lo kassiri tei: I love you.

Lo navi kikkira anr:  I need some fresh air.

Lo rune tei’ri: I am yours.

Lo terri tei srikkisan: I will see you tomorrow.

Ovilli, vir drak drukkia: Prepare, we ride at midday.

Rin nekanevexi rei kakkiva, rei Morakkari: You ride my cock so well, my queen.

Rinavi leika, rei kassikari, rei Morakkari: You are beautiful, my mate, my queen.

Rinavi leika, rei Morakkari. Lo kassiri tei: You’re beautiful, my Queen.  I love you.

Rinavi leika: You are beautiful.

Vir drak ji Dothik: We ride for Dothik.

Vir drak ji vorak: We ride for the horde.

Vorakkar, kivi vekkiri dothanu un kevf?: What are your orders for the humans, Horde King?