The final Horde Kings book is here…

by | Jul 5, 2022 | Blog

THRONE OF THE HORDE KING is available now on Amazon!

I don’t even know what to say. THE EMOTIONS. This is the final book of the Horde Kings of Dakkar series, which I’ve been writing since 2019, spanning nearly 700,000 words. The support for this series has always been incredible and humbling. I can’t thank all the readers of the Horde Kings enough. I can only hope that this final installment is a satisfying conclusion for you and that I hope you enjoy the Vorakkar of Rath Serok and Kara’s story…’cause it’s a long one! ❤ Buckle up.

The book is available to read with Kindle Unlimited. Paperback is also available (sorry for the higher price, the book is nearly 600 pages so printing costs are more). Audio will be coming soon by the fantastic narrators for this series, Lia Langola and Aaron Shedlock.

I hope you enjoy Throne of the Horde King!

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