Updates, Horde Kings teaser, paperbacks?!

by | Oct 14, 2020 | Blog

Folks, you know I’m bad about updates on social media, so I’m trying something new–my website, which I’ve seriously neglected up until now.

But no longer!  I’ve updated it, got a new logo (woot woot), got all my books listed (finally), and I even have a shiny new Word Count tracker in the sidebar, so you can see where I’m at in my WIPs (Work in Progress) and what my next book will be.  (If you’re using mobile, scroll all the way to the bottom to see the tracker.)  Right now, the book I’m writing is Horde Kings of Dakkar Book #3 and the next book I’ll be working on will be Krave of Everton Book #3.

The title and cover for Horde Kings of Dakkar Book #3 will be released soon, so stay tuned.  But in the mean time, here’s a little snippet from my manuscript, a teeny tiny teaser of what’s to come:

I was a monster. And I had a feeling that the beast inside me demanded to be fed…and only she would sate that appetite. I wanted to gorge on her. I wanted to taint her. I wanted her to take away some of the darkness that had been festering in my soul for a long while.

I almost felt sorry for the little white-haired creature named Vienne.

The horde king in Book 3 is a little…bad…and I’m totally okay with it.  I’m excited to share these characters with you soon.

Also, in other news, the Horde Kings are coming to PAPERBACK!  Ahhhhh!

For years, you’ve been asking for physical copies of my books and I’m finally dipping my toe into the print pond.  The existing covers will be getting a little makeover–I’m working with a fantastic cover artist to polish Captive of the Horde King and Claimed by the Horde King up before I send them off for printing.  But they will be available very soon.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.  Stay tuned for more updates.

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