Yay, it’s Kraving Dravka‘s release day! 🙂
It was so much fun returning to this series, considering Prince of Firestones released over two years ago! I’ve sorely neglected the Krave of Everton but now that Warriors of Luxiria wrapped up last year, I have some more time to focus on it.
Friends-to-lovers is one of my favorite tropes in romance–and not one that I’ve really written before–so this was fun for me, trying to weave past and present timelines with Valerie and Dravka. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. <3
And will this series continue after Kraving Dravka??
Kraving Tavak will be releasing later this year (and is already on pre-order on Amazon) and I have plans to write Ravu’s story as well, though that probably won’t release until 2022. There’s still a lot to come from this series.